Sophie Buxton

mouth ruin
Residency and exhibition in the Fine Art Department, Sunderland University

In October 2023 I returned to Sunderland University as an AA2A* residency artist, to develop Dream Apocalypse. Working in the print room and riso lab I developed a new set of artworks that explore the weaving together of fictional and factual narratives during a time of climate emergency. 

I continued to gather material related to my activist activity and the climate emergency, and to investigate my dreams, through a process of printing, drawing, layering, copying and collation.  From this heap of material - riso prints, etchings, paintings, photocopies, drawings, digital prints - I made a series of booklets, mouth ruin. The booklets are an ongoing montage of the collection of material, a way of loosely holding the narratives, and I continue to work back into the pages. 

This work was displayed at the Priestman Gallery in ACCESS, a show with all the Sunderland AA2A artists in March 2024. These photos show large digital prints and riso prints which emerged from the heap, as well as the mouth ruin books, which I showed as part of the show.  More images from the ACCESS show here:  

*Artists Access to Art Colleges Sophie's instagram